Frankie and Friends

Frankie and Friends

dimecres, 17 de maig del 2017

Sant Jordi and more !

Drawing is always fun !

The wheels on the bus go round and round.

Colonies...Here we go !

Drawing ourselves with our favourite animal 

divendres, 3 de març del 2017

Never give up drawing !

“Está claro que sucede algo que lleva al niño a pensar que no vale la pena seguir dibujando. Es un fenómeno complejo y grave”. Los lenguajes privilegiados, la lengua y la matemática, adquieren importancia, crecen y devienen capaces de expresar pensamientos y emociones. Mientras que el dibujo, el canto, las manualidades, permanecen infantiles porque están infravalorados, no se estimulan ni se desarrollan. Y llega un momento en que los chicos ante esa producción pobre dicen ‘no sé dibujar’. Ese día es una derrota educativa”.
Francesco Tonucci

dissabte, 25 de febrer del 2017

Dancing with P3

Key words: Moon, rocket, mouse, house, stars, guitar.


I am a mouse,
I live in a house
And every night 
I look at the stars

I'm a baboon
I live on the moon
I play the guitar
I sing to the stars

(Pea green boat, puppet company)

divendres, 17 de febrer del 2017

Another great show carried out by Pea Green Boat puppet company.

A story about a mouse who needs to attend to a party organised by a baboon who lives on the Moon. How is going to get there? If you want to find out how this musical representation ends, ask your children :-)

These types of shows are needed to consolidate the acquisition of English. Previously practised songs are played by a mouse and a baboon right in front of their noses. So everything makes sense to them. Vocabulary as Moon, planet, rocket, star get a better knowledge  assimilation when listened and used in the show.

Please find below some pictures taken during the event:

For further information please find links below:

dimarts, 17 de gener del 2017

Formigues meet our friend the Spider

Dear all,

This week we have introduced our friend the spider to Formigues. They have had the chance to observe from a short distance this creature, count how many legs, see how it moves, discover its colour....

It's great to be surrounded by so many insects and animals at School, that help us to develop the sense of curiosity, also to improve our English vocabulary and to boost our eager to know more about the animals around us.